The Symposium on Geometry Processing 2010, a Eurographics symposium in cooperation with ACM Siggraph, will be held from July 5 to 7 in Lyon, France.

The goal of the meeting is to present and discuss new research ideas and results in geometry processing. This research field is geared towards the creation of mathematical foundations and practical algorithms for the processing of complex geometric data sets, ranging from acquisition and editing all the way to animation, transmission and display. As such it draws on many disciplines spanning pure and applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering. This will be the eighth meeting in an ongoing yearly series. We are seeking high quality, original research contributions for presentation at the symposium and publication in the proceedings, which will appear as an issue of the Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association.

For overseas travelers, it might be interesting that the Curves and Surfaces conference is taking place from June 24 to 30 in Avignon: Curves And Surfaces 2010. Moreover, the Shape Modeling International conference will be held from June 21 to 23 in Aix-en-Provence: SMI '10. Thus it is possible to combine these 3 events in one trip!

Program Co-Chairs

Olga Sorkine (New York University)
Bruno Lévy (INRIA Nancy)

Event Co-Chairs

Raphaëlle Chaine (Université de Lyon, LIRIS)
Pierre-Marie Gandoin (Université de Lyon, LIRIS)
Sébastien Valette (Université de Lyon, CREATIS)

Next edition

SGP '11 will be held from July 20 to 22 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lyon during the festival of lights: Palais Saint PierreLyon during the festival of lights: Fontaine des JacobinsLyon during the festival of lights: Théâtre des CélestinsLyon during the festival of lights: Cathédrale Saint JeanLyon during the festival of lights: Hôtel de VilleLyon during the festival of lights: Cour des VoracesLyon during the festival of lights: Théâtre des CélestinsLyon during the festival of lights: Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière